Mila sto Skilo sou Blog

The price of sending your dog for training

The price of sending your dog for training - The mistakes - Mila sto Skilo sou Blog

The price of sending your dog for training

By Ilias Raymondis, Positive Dog and Human Trainer

My view on the matter is quite clear. The owner and the trainer should train the dog together, and – perhaps to surprise some people – the majority of the training should be directed towards the owner. So, there is to some extent a price to pay for sending your dog for training.

The reason is simple. During training, powerful emotions are created in the dog, and the owner must learn to recognize and manage them in such a way (always without psychological or physical violence) as to guide his dog, to sharpen its virtues and skills. If this knowledge does not pass from the trainer to the owner, difficulties and problems will arise sooner or later.

However, many times, due to various circumstances, the dog ends up being “worked on” by the trainer rather than the owner.

I understand that!

The price of sending your dog for training - The mistakes - Mila sto Skilo sou Blog

But there is also a price

The owner misses the opportunity to gain experience.

Some (I repeat, some) who, in my opinion, should not do this job, mistreat and torment the animal.

The trainer is excellent (for me, this is the worst).

Think about it. Your dog going somewhere where they will understand him perfectly, communicate with him to an incredible degree, and meet his needs perfectly.

Imagine: The emotional bond that will be created with the trainer. The love, dedication, adoration. Then, the dog has to return to a home where the owners work 12 hours a day. Their time for walks and play will be minimal. I’m not saying that all owners are like that, but for you to SEND your dog for training, something like this must be happening.

For me, the owner “working” with his dog alongside the trainer is a must. Even in exceptional cases where the trainer is forced to take the dog, he must be very careful.

In my opinion, the biggest price of sending your dog for training is for the trainer to be excellent and do his job very well. It may be harsh, and some may not believe it, but it is the truth, and I have seen it happen. If the work is really good and “right,” your dog will never be yours again…

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