Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about training your dog as well as our services?
Explore our frequently asked questions and find answers to your inquiries.

Positive Dog Training is a training method, based in scientific studies and data. Its main feature is the absence of any form of violence or force.

The term “Positive training” refers to the modern, scientific training techniques that are totally separated from the older, traditional ones.

The term “traditional training” refers to the older training methods. Traditional dog training, is based in older theories and principals, like “domination” and “the alpha male” and supports that the dog is a creature that wants to climb up the group (family) hierarchy, in order to lead it. As a consequence, the owner must discourage any form of disobedience, so the dog won’t receive it as weakness and then try to prevail. Typical feature of traditional training is the use of violence, force and compulsion.

Punishment is a very fragile procedure. If someone is not appropriately trained, the chances of doing that properly, are not in his favor.

Proof: Most of the times we will punish a dog, it will not have a result and the unwanted behavior will go on right after a short time (or immediately), or, sometimes, bigger problems will appear, for example he will be afraid, he will become wild, make noise or be mischievous.

For anything your dog does, there is always a reason. When he jumps on you to play or wants cuddles, when he bites you to play or because he is annoyed by something, when he barks because he needs something, there is always a reason. Punishing, even if it is done properly, may stop this behavior, however this is the symptom, not the cause of that particular behavior. The dog may stop jumping on you, but he will not satisfy his need for play or cuddling, he may stop barking, but the need to communicate will not stop being there.

Result: More problems.

Solution: We need to emphasize in communication, understanding and trust.

Using humane techniques, we make the dog comprehend that his needs will be covered, as long as he follows our guidance. The procedure may seem difficult and complex, but is much simpler from yelling at our dog every time he does something we don’t like.

Ideally, the first two months of their lives, puppies must be with their parents and siblings. That point of their life, is the foundation for the… toilet learning and -through playing with their siblings- they develop various social abilities. Puppies that are taken apart from their first family earlier, have increased risk to develop issues like fear, parting anxiety, biting etc.

The first thing we have to keep in mind, is that a dog can be trained in any age and point of his life. However, there are some points that, the soonest we apply them, the strongest will be the foundations we will build in our dog’s training life.

The ideal age to start a dog’s training is right after he gets in our home, ideally at two months old. It is important to remember that the biggest part of a proper training, is the owners’ part and not he dog’s part. So, as much as it may sound strange to you, we suggest -if possible- that the training starts a few days before you have the dog as part of your family.

A few hours of conversation with an experienced dog trainer, can give you knowledge that, during the first day of coexistence with your four legged new member of your family, can save you from a lot of trouble, anxiety and inconvenience…

Grooming a dog can start from a very young age, specifically after its first vaccination. This will help the dog become accustomed to the whole process, as the older a dog gets, the more challenging it becomes to adapt and feel relaxed during a bath or grooming session.

Since we use hypoallergenic products, we can give your dog a bath quite frequently, even every 2 weeks. However, all of this depends on your dog’s coat type, living conditions, and the owner’s preferences.

A dog’s ears are areas where dirt and debris can accumulate. By keeping them clean, you can prevent potential irritations that could develop into inflammation, such as ear infections.

Inside a dog’s nail, there is a nerve that develops along with the nail. If we let the nail grow too long, there’s a risk of injuring the nerve. While this might not immediately cause issues for the dog, it can make the nail trimming process painful.

No. Dogs with double-coats, such as many breeds of working or herding dogs, should not be shaved or clipped with a machine. Shaving their coat can disrupt the natural insulation and protection provided by their double coat, leading to potential skin irritations, dermatological issues, or even alopecia.

However, some grooming adjustments can be made using specialized hand-stripping techniques or careful scissoring to maintain the coat’s health and appearance. These methods can help enhance the characteristics of each dog’s coat without compromising its integrity. It’s important to follow breed-specific grooming practices to ensure the well-being of dogs with double-coats.

Of course. Grooming and care are not solely about dogs with long coats; they apply to dogs with short coats as well. Grooming is not just about appearance; it’s also about maintaining their overall health and hygiene.

Specifically, short-coated dogs also shed a significant amount of dead hair, which can accumulate on their bodies. This dead hair can trap dirt, leading to potential skin irritations. Additionally, the shedding hair can become a nuisance as it ends up on the floor, furniture, clothing, and even on people living with the dog.

Regular grooming for short-coated dogs helps remove dead hair and keep their coat clean, which in turn promotes skin health and reduces shedding around the house. So, whether a dog has long or short hair, grooming is an essential part of maintaining their well-being and keeping your living environment clean.

Hand stripping is a technique for removing old and dead hair using hands and specialized tools. This process allows new hair to grow in healthy, dense, and with a natural appearance. Hand stripping is particularly suitable for dogs with coarse or wiry coats.

This method is commonly used on certain breeds that have a specific type of coat, such as terriers, where the natural texture and appearance of the coat are preserved through hand stripping. It involves plucking out the dead hairs by hand, which encourages the growth of new hairs and maintains the characteristic look of the breed’s coat.

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