Mila sto Skilo sou Blog

Dog Calling

Dog Calling - Mila sto Skilo sou Blog

Dog Calling

by Ilias Raymondis, Specialist in Communication between Dogs and Humans

The dog calling (“come”) is one of the most basic, if not the most basic, communication words between a dog and its caregiver. The goal is that every time we call our dog, regardless of what it’s doing or where it is, it will return to us immediately.

The Reason

The reason we desire this is not (or at least shouldn’t be) selfish. The dog should obey us immediately for its own safety and freedom. If we know that every time we call our dog, it will obey, then it will be easier for us to protect it, for example when it’s about to go out on the street or when it approaches somewhere it shouldn’t, and it will be easier to let it roam freely, of course always in a controlled environment.

Method – First Steps

We start by going to a familiar and calm environment not larger than 50 to 60 square meters. We let the dog roam around in it for a few minutes to relax.

Having a piece of tasty treat in our hand, we approach it calmly, and as soon as it turns to look at us, we offer it the treat while saying the word “come” simultaneously. As soon as it comes and eats the treat, we take a few steps back and repeat the process.

At first, it doesn’t matter if it follows us as we move away; we will correct this later. What we want at this stage is for our dog to associate the word “come” with us giving it something pleasant.

Dog Calling - Mila sto Skilo sou Blog

Disadvantages, Advantages


Many people will tell you that if you train your dog this way, it will only listen to you when you have treats in your hand. Others will tell you that training with treats doesn’t work because as soon as it goes out into an open space, it won’t be interested in treats but rather in playing or running or anything else. Some will say that the dog should listen to us because it loves us or because we are its masters and not because we will give it treats.


The truth is that the above assumptions may turn out to be true. However, the only case where this will happen is if the steps of this specific method are not completed. Here, I mentioned the first two out of a method that has 24 to 47 steps (depending on each dog and its peculiarities).

The Sure Thing

This method, even from its initial stages, has results that can get you out of very difficult situations. In the video below, you can see my dog, Milou. He is four months old and has reached the 7th step of the method.

Although in this particular case, I’m not giving him treats, the truth is (at that stage) he hasn’t completely detached from treats, but that’s something that happened a few weeks later.

Nevertheless, one would have to be at least superficial not to see the benefits that this method has brought even in its initial stages. With one word of mine, he stops playing, ignores his dog friend with whom he was together, ignores the cats around, and even though he’s in an open and completely free space, he comes and sits in front of me within a few seconds.

The funny part of the story: Even now as I’m writing the article, every time the video plays and Milo hears it, he comes running and sits next to me thinking I called him…

For more information regarding the Dog Recall (“come”) or for any other information, feel free to contact us…

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